The Lenox Skate & Bike Park
Phone 315-697-7547
Please follow our website for any updates in the future on this.
Skate Park Hours and Location:
Opening Day Monday, April 22nd (Spring Break)
Current Hours
Monday – Friday 3-7
Weekends 12 -7
Located at 230 S. Peterboro Street, just southeast of the railroad tracks.
Season Passes
**Season passes will be available at the Town – $75.00 for 1st kid, $25 for each family member that resides at that residence. (Town Residents/Canastota School Kids).
Nonresidents: prices are $100 for the 1st kid, $25 for each family member.
Located at 230 S. Peterboro Street, just southeast of the railroad tracks.
Follow us on Instagram for current information – lxskatepark
Facebook – Town of Lenox Skatepark

Kruz Cesario with Gerry Cooney, Retired Heavyweight Boxer
FEES for the Town of Lenox Residents and Non-Residents are: $3.00 daily pass (wristband)
10 and under elbow and knee pads recommended
Kids UNDER 18 must have their parent sign the waiver. Everyone must complete all waivers to enter park.
No admittance without a signed waiver.
Skatepark Waiver And Release Of Liability