Town Board Meeting – Change of Date for September
Town of Lenox Town Board Meeting will be on, Thursday, September 12, 2024 instead of the regular Monday night meeting.
Town of Lenox Town Board Meeting will be on, Thursday, September 12, 2024 instead of the regular Monday night meeting.
The National Weather Service has issued a warning for high temperatures through the week. Take precautions and ensure your well-being as the first heatwave of the year is finally upon us!
If you are need in a place during the day to cool down please check out one of the Cooling Centers: Canastota Public Library
To minimize the effects of extreme heat, here are some vital tips to keep in mind!
Dress appropriately in loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored attire during exceptionally hot weather. Dark colors tend to absorb the sun’s rays, so it’s best to avoid them.
Frequently check on your pets to ensure their safety during periods of extreme heat.
Limit vigorous activities during the hottest parts of the day (from 11 am to 2 pm) and consider using the buddy system for added safety.
Regularly check on seniors, individuals with illnesses, or those who may require additional assistance.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration, heat stroke, and related health issues.
Never leave children or pets unattended in a vehicle, irrespective of the reason.
Be aware of the symptoms of dehydration and heat stroke. If someone is experiencing these conditions, act swiftly!
Notice is hereby given that the Assessor of the Town of Lenox, County of Madison has completed the Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year; that a copy thereof has been left at the Assessment Department, 205 S. Peterboro St, Canastota, NY, where it may be seen and examined by any person interested therein until the WEDNESDAY AFTER THE FOURTH TUESDAY OF MAY.
The Assessor will be in attendance with such Tentative Roll on Saturday May 4th, from 8am – noon, Mondays May 6th and 13th and Wednesdays May 8th and 15th from 6pm-8pm. Please call 315-908-7525 to schedule an appointment.
GRIEVANCE DAY is May 29, 2024; assessment complaints must be filed on or before May 17th and will be heard in the Town of Lenox beginning on May 29, 2024, from 4:00pm – 8pm or until adjourned. Additional dates and appointments will be assigned as necessary.